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James Hogg
The Carthusian general chapter and the charterhouse of Buxheim 1402-1474, in: Friedrich Stoehlker, Die Geschichte der Kartause Buxheim, dl. 5, Salzburg, 2015, 52-65 (= Analecta Cartusiana, 316 : 5)
[Hogg 2015b]
James Hogg
The Carthusian general chapter and the charterhouse of Diest, in: Francis Timmermans & Tom Gaens (eds.), Magister Bruno. Negen eeuwen uitstraling van de Kartuizerorde, Leuven, 2003, 181-208  
[Hogg 2003a]
James Hogg
The Carthusian general chapter and the charterhouse of Diest, in: Frans Hendrickx & Tom Gaens (eds.), m.m.v. Francis Timmermans, Amo te, sacer ordo Carthusiensis. Jan De Grauwe, passionné de l'Ordre des Chartreux, Leuven, 2012, 345-370 (= Miscellanea Neerlandica, 38 / Studia Cartusiana, 1)  
[Hogg 2012] PDF-pictogram Hogg_General chapter and the charterhouse of Diest.pdf (188.63 KB)
James Hogg
The Carthusian general chapter and the charterhouses of the Holy Roman Empire during the Great Schism, 1380-1410, in: James Hogg (ed.), Die Kartäuser und das Heilige Römische Reich. Internationaler Kongress vom 9.-11. September 1997, Bezirksklinikum in der Kartause Prüll, dl. 4, Salzburg, 1999, 73-243 (= Analecta Cartusiana, 140:4)
[Hogg 1999b]
Herbert E. J. Cowdrey
The Carthusian impact upon Angevin England, in: James Hogg (ed.), Die Ausbreitung kartäusischen Lebens und Geistes im Mittelalter, dl. 1, Salzburg, 1990, 35-48 (= Analecta Cartusiana, 63:1)
[Cowdrey 1990]
John Clark
Carthusian legislation in the sixteenth century as reflected in the chartae, in: Francis Timmermans & Tom Gaens (eds.), Magister Bruno. Negen eeuwen uitstraling van de Kartuizerorde, Leuven, 2003, 127-140  
[Clark 2003]
John Clark
Carthusian legislation in the sixteenth century as reflected in the chartae, in: Frans Hendrickx & Tom Gaens (eds.), m.m.v. Francis Timmermans, Amo te, sacer ordo Carthusiensis. Jan De Grauwe, passionné de l'Ordre des Chartreux, Leuven, 2012, 117-131 (= Miscellanea Neerlandica, 38 / Studia Cartusiana, 1)  
[Clark 2012] PDF-pictogram Clark_Carthusian legislation in the 16th century.pdf (99.62 KB)
John Clark
Carthusian legislation under Dom Innocent Le Masson, in: Robert Bindel & Pierre-Aelred Henel (eds.), Dom Innocent Le Masson, chartreux méconnu, Noyonnais oublié. Tricentenaire de la mort d'Innocent Le Masson (1627-1703), 51ème ministre général de l'Ordre des Chartreux, Noyon 8-11 mai 2003, Salzburg, 2007, 91-104 (= Analecta Cartusiana, 209)
[Clark 2007a] PDF-pictogram Clark_Carthusian legislation under Dom Le Masson.PDF (2.78 MB)
Barbara Halporn
The Carthusian library at Basel, in: The library quarterly, 54 (1984), 223-244
[Halporn 1984] PDF-pictogram Halporn_The Carthusian library at Basel.pdf (4.42 MB)
William Thomas Whobrey
The Carthusian library at Buxheim. A virtual reconstruction, in: Robert G. Babcock & Lee Patterson (eds.), Old books, new learning. Essays on medieval and renaissance books at Yale, New Haven (CT), 2001, 67-79 (= The Yale University Library Gazette. Occasional supplement, 4)
[Whobrey 2001]
Rafał Witkowski
Carthusian library catalogues, in: James Hogg (ed.), Die Reichskartause Buxheim 1402-2002 und der Kartäuserorden. Internationaler Kongress vom 9. bis zum 12. Mai 2002, dl. 2, Salzburg, 2004, 81-91 (= Analecta Cartusiana, 182:2)  
[Witkowski 2004] PDF-pictogram Witkowski_Carthusian library catalogues.PDF (2.24 MB)
Thomaš Brogden
The Carthusian liturgy, in: Magnificat. A liturgical quarterly, 2:12 (1940), 5-11  
[Brogden 1940] PDF-pictogram Brogden_Carthusian liturgy (03).pdf (2.48 MB)
Thomaš Brogden
The Carthusian liturgy, in: Magnificat. A liturgical quarterly, 3:3 (1941), 5-10  
[Brogden 1941a] PDF-pictogram Brogden_Carthusian liturgy (02).pdf (2.48 MB)
Thomaš Brogden
The Carthusian liturgy, in: Magnificat. A liturgical quarterly, 3:4 (1941), 6-9  
[Brogden 1941b] PDF-pictogram Brogden_Carthusian liturgy (01).pdf (2.48 MB)
James Hogg
Carthusian materials in the London Public Record Office Collection SP I/239, in: Analecta Cartusiana, dl. 37, Salzburg, 1977, 134-144
[Hogg 1977]
S. J. Bulder
The Carthusian monastery near Delft 1469-1573: Sober hermits?, Master thesis, Leiden, Universiteit Leiden: Faculteit van Archeologie, 2017, – p.  
[Bulder 2017]
Tekla Leonore Bude
Carthusian mystical diaries, in: Tekla Lenore Bude, Musica celestis. Mystical song in Late Medieval England ... A dissertation ... presented to the Faculties of the University of Pennsylvania ... for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Philadelphia ( PA), 2013, 47-114
[Bude 2013] PDF-pictogram Bude_Carthusian mystical diaries.pdf (491.67 KB)
Patricia Stoop & Lisanne Vroomen
A Carthusian nun’s Reportationes of Henricus Cool’s Sermons in the Low Countries, in: Virginia Blanton, Veronica O’Mara & Patricia Stoop (eds.), Nuns’ literacies in Medieval Europe: The Antwerp dialogue, Turnhout, 2018, 99-122 (= Medieval women: Texts and contexts, 28)
[Stoop & Vroomen 2018]
John Clark
The Carthusian nunnery of Gosnay in the chartae of the general chapter, in: Martine Valdher (ed.), Moines et moniales dans l’Ordre des Chartreux: l’apport de l’archéologie. Actes du Premier Congrès international d’Archéologie cartusienne, 22-25 juin 2006, Salzburg, 2007, 247-255 (= Analecta Cartusiana, 245)
[Clark 2007c]
James Hogg
The Carthusian nuns. A survey of the sources of their history, in: James Hogg (ed.), Die Kartäuser und ihre Welt - Kontakte und gegenseitige Einflüsse. Internationaler Kongress vom 23. bis 26. September 1992 Gaming, dl. 2, Salzburg, 1993, 190-293
[Hogg 1993]
James Hogg
The Carthusian Order from its foundation to the present day, in: Analecta Cartusiana, dl. 225, Salzburg, 2005, 7-25
[Hogg 2005c] PDF-pictogram Hogg_Carthusian Order from its foundation to the present day.PDF (3.39 MB)
Margaret E. Thompson
The Carthusian Order in England, London, 1930, X-550 p. (= Publications of the Church historical society, 3)
[Thompson 1930]
Anthony Ian Doyle
Carthusian participation in the movement of works of Richard Rolle between England and other parts of Europe in the 14th and 15th centuries, in: Kartäusermystik und -mystiker. Dritter internationaler Kongress über die Kartäusergeschichte und -spiritualität, dl. 2, Salzburg, 1981, 109-120 (= Analecta Cartusiana, 55:2)
[Doyle 1981]
William Paul Lundell
Carthusian policy and the Council of Basel, A thesis submitted ... for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Centre for Medieval Studies University of Toronto, Toronto, 1996,  VII-290 p.
[Lundell 1996] PDF-pictogram Lundell_Carthusian policy and the Council of Basel.pdf (18.36 MB)
Lancelot Capel Sheppard
The Carthusian rite, in: Orate Fratres. A review devoted to the liturgical apostolate, 2 (1928), 369-373
[Sheppard 1928]
