LECTURE: Praying and Meditating With and Through Images in the Late Medieval Low Countries

On 19 October 2022, Ingrid Falque (Université catholique de Louvain) will speak about praying and meditating with and through images at the inaugural meeting of the IMEMS research strand 'Spiritual Writings from the Low Countries (1200-1550): Context, Influence and Transmission'.

300 jaar kartuizerkerk in Sint-Martens-Lierde

Op 8 en 9 oktober viert de gemeente Lierde het 300-jarig bestaan van de voormalige kartuizerkerk in Sint-Martens-Lierde. Tijdens de herdenking wordt teruggeblikt op de kartuizerleven zoals het was en ook dieper op de evolutie van kloosterkerk naar parochiekerk.

Zie bijlage voor het programma.

NEW PUBLICATION: Mystik unterwegs

Abram M., Bernhardt S., Fournier G., Nemes B.J. (Hg.), Mystik unterwegs. 'Theologia mystica' und 'revelationes' in kartäusischen Händen [Studia Cartusiana, 7], Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 2022

CFP: The Potential of Prosopography for Historical and Art Historical Studies on the Carthusian Order

The Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (France Stele Institute of Art History), the University of Vienna and the University Jean-Monnet in Saint-Étienne cordially invite you to submit your proposals for the international conference "The Potential of Prosopography for Historical and Art Historical Studies on the Charterhouses and the Carthusian Order". The conference will be held in Ljubljana on August 23-25, 2023. Please find all the information attached.

DIGITAL EDITION: Mystische Bücher in der Bibliothek der Kartause Erfurt

This edition is part of the Freiburg DFG project “Making Mysticism. Mystical books in the library of the Erfurt Kartause" (https://making-mysticism.org/).

'Hermit-Monks over the Borderline': Cartusiana-sponsored session at IMC Leeds 2022

The Carthusians and Camaldolese, just as other monks, lived within the borders of their symbolic death to the world ('entrance'/'ordination'), and biological death. Although lives of medieval hermit-monks were often invisible, available images were increasingly projections of exemplary reputations for strictness and holiness. A paradoxical relationship exists between the desire to remain within their enclosures and the reputation they enjoyed. Hermit-monks were famous for creating both material ('desertum') and spiritual borders.

NEW PUBLICATION: Alla scuola del silenzio. Un itinerario di contemplazione

«Lettura, meditazione, preghiera, contemplazione. Questa è la scala dei monaci, mediante la quale essi sono sollevati dalla terra al cielo». Così scriveva Guigo II, priore della Certosa di Grenoble, intorno agli ultimi anni del XII secolo. E questo continua ad essere l'esercizio d'ascesi a cui ogni monaco certosino è quotidianamente chiamato. Questo volume raccoglie i frutti spirituali di oltre nove secoli di contemplazione e li offre al lettore d'oggi alla ricerca di uno strumento di preghiera e meditazione.

NEW PUBLICATION: Die Kartause von Mainz

Vor 700 Jahren stiftete der Mainzer Erzbischof Peter von Aspelt in seinem Testament das erste Kartäuserkloster im deutschen Sprachraum. Tagsüber beteten, arbeiteten und studierten die Mönche auf dem Michaelsberg vor den Toren von Mainz in ihren nach außen abgeschotteten Zellenhäusern, um nur zu den nächtlichen Gebetsstunden und an Sonntagen als Gemeinschaft zusammenzukommen. Allein das Medium Buch war ihr ständiger Begleiter.

CONFERENCE: Zeitkonzepte (two papers by Cartusiana members)

Zeitkonzepte II – 4.-6. November 2021 (Wien, AT)

SYMPOSIUM: Signum-symposium 2021 over Delftse kartuis

In de ochtend van 6 november 2021 organiseert Signum een online symposium over het Delftse kartuizerklooster getiteld Initiatiefnemers, draagvlak en materiële representatie van middeleeuwse kloosters. De casus van de Delftse kartuis. Deelname is gratis, maar aanmelden is noodzakelijk via patricia.stoop@uantwerpen.be. Na inschrijving ontvangt u een link waarmee u kunt deelnemen via Zoom.
