The Bodleian Library is one of the few libraries outside Germany with a substantial number of medieval manuscripts from the German-speaking lands. These manuscripts, most of which were acquired by Archbishop Laud in the 1630s, during the Thirty Years’ War, mainly consist of major groups of codices from ecclesiastical houses in the Rhine-Main area, that is Würzburg, Mainz, and Eberbach. Their potential contribution to the religious and intellectual history of these foundations and to the study of German medieval culture as a whole is immeasurable.
Sammeln, Kopieren, Verbreiten. Zur Buchkultur der Kartäuser gestern und heute
Kartause Ittingen, 13. bis 16. Juli 2017 - Ein gemeinsames Projekt der Kantonsbibliothek Thurgau, der Stiftung Kartause Ittingen und des Ittinger Museums
Between March 10th and 12th, 2017, the Institute of Austrian Historical Research at the University of Vienna and the Franciscan University of Steubenville, jointly with the Diocesan Archives of St. Pölten and the Association for the Study of Monastic Learning in the Early Modern Period, will host a conference at the Charterhouse in Gaming.
Hans Jakob Bürger, Gott allein. Andachts- Gebets- und Betrachtungsbuch in der Tradition der Kartäuser. Das Marianische Offizium der Kartäuser, Kisslegg: fe-Verlag, 2017
ISBN 978-86357-171-9
The Charterhouse of Gaming as a Reservoir of Memory and a Monument of Austrian History
Between March 10th and 12th 2017 the Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung der Universität Wien and the Franciscan University of Steubenville will host a conference at the Charterhouse in Gaming.
Sammeln, Kopieren, Verbreiten: Zur Buchkultur der Kartäuser gestern und heute Internationaler Kongress zur Kartäuserforschung
13. bis 16. Juli 2017
Die Stiftung Kartause Ittingen, das Ittinger Museum und die Kantonsbibliothek Thurgau planen in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Dr. Margrit Früh und Dr. Jürg Ganz einen internationalen Kongress zur Kartäuserforschung, der vom 13. bis 16. Juli 2017 in der Kartause Ittingen im Kanton Thurgau stattfinden wird. Thema des Kongresses ist die Buchkultur der Kartäuser.
Graziano Concioni (ed.), Il 'Liber defunctorum' della Certosa di Firenze e altri documenti inediti dalla fondazione del Monastero alla sua chiusura (1342-1957) [Memorie e documenti per servire alla storia di Lucca, N.S. 10], Lucca 2016. 685 pp.
A few kilometres from the city walls of ‘s-Hertogenbosch an imposing Carthusian monastery was built in the decades around 1500. Its construction coincided with the period when Jheronimus Bosch was a successful painter in that city. Documents proving that he worked for the monastery do not exist. However, there were several direct and indirect forms of contact between the monastery on the one hand and important persons and institutions in the city that held relations with Bosch on the other hand.
'In great austerity, in perfect humility, and with admirable patience'. The London Charterhouse before and after Its Suppression in 1538
Saturday, 3 September; 09:15-18:00
The Charterhouse, Charterhouse Square, London, UK
Meta Niederkorn (Institut für Geschichte, Wien)
Sylvain Excoffon (Faculté SHS, Université Jean-Monnet, St.Étienne)
Coralie Zermatten (Technische Universität Dresden)
Thomas Aigner (Diözesanarchiv St. Pölten)