CONFERENCE: The Charterhouse of Gaming as a Reservoir of Memory and a Monument of Austrian History
Between March 10th and 12th, 2017, the Institute of Austrian Historical Research at the University of Vienna and the Franciscan University of Steubenville, jointly with the Diocesan Archives of St. Pölten and the Association for the Study of Monastic Learning in the Early Modern Period, will host a conference at the Charterhouse in Gaming.
The conference will focus on two primary areas. The first is the history of the Library of the Charterhouse. Emphasis shall be given to the Library itself and her manuscript holdings, while other topics for discussion will include the Library’s architectural space, fresco program and decoration. The second area of focus will be the history of the Charterhouse. Various topics concerning the long story of the site and community shall be examined – such as the monastery’s relationship with the surrounding area or the development of the house’s manorial system. In addition, crossing over between the two areas of focus – a survey of Anton Steyerer‘s Commentarii pro historia Alberti II. ducis Austriae cognomento Sapientis and the history of the Charterhouse of Gaming Pandectae seculares from 1732, for example – may also yield subjects for discussion.
Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung der Universität Wien
Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio (Austria Program, Kartause Gaming)
Diözesanarchiv St. Pölten
Verein zur Erforschung monastischer Gelehrsamkeit in der Frühen Neuzeit
MMag. Patrick Fiska
Institut für österreichische Geschichtsforschung
1010 Wien, Universitätsring 1
Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Hass
Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio (Austria Program)
Kartause Gaming
A 3292 Gaming
More details and full program