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Mario Damen & Robert Stein
Collective memory and personal memoria. The Carthusian monastery of Scheut as a crossroads of urban and princely patronage in fifteenth-century Brabant, in: Pit Péporté & Jean-Marie Cauchies (eds.), Mémoires conflictuelles et mythes concurrents dans les pays bourguignons (ca 1380-1580), Turnhout, 2012, 29-48, 5 ill. (= Publications du Centre Européen d’Etudes Bourguignonnes (XIVe-XVIe s.), 52)  
[Damen & Stein 2012] PDF-pictogram Damen & Stein_Collective memory and personal memoria in Scheut.pdf (455.31 KB)
Anselm Stoelen
De chronologie van de werken van Dionysius de Kartuizer. De eerste werken en de Schriftuurkommentaren, in: Sacris erudiri. Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen, 5 (1953), 361-401
[Stoelen 1953b] PDF-pictogram Stoelen_Chronologie van de werken van Dionysius.PDF (4.5 MB)
Jacques Stiennon
Chartreuse des Douze Apôtres à Liège, in: Monasticon Belge, dl. 2: Province de Liège, bd. 3, Liège, 1955, 489-526  
[Stiennon 1955]
Micheline Soenen
Chartreuse de Zelem, in: Monasticon Belge, dl. 6: Province de Limbourg, Liège, 1976, 293-334  
[Soenen 1976]
Micheline Soenen
Chartreuse de Scheut, à Anderlecht, in: Monasticon Belge, dl. 4: Province de Brabant, bd. 6, Liège, 1972, 1385-1427  
[Soenen 1972] PDF-pictogram Recensie Pycke_RHE 69 (1974) 130-132.pdf (368.53 KB)
Jacques Stiennon
La chartreuse de Liège dans la vie de la Cité, in: Neuf cents ans de vie autour de Saint-Remacle-au Pont. Exposition d'art et d'histoire, Liège, 1979, 53-60, 4 ill.
[Stiennon 1979] PDF-pictogram Stiennon_La Chartreuse de Liège.PDF (2.16 MB)
H. J. J. Scholtens
De chartreuse bij Dijon en haar kunstenaars, 1379-1411, in: Oud-Holland. Driemaandelijks tijdschrift voor Nederlandse kunstgeschiedenis, 81 (1966), 119-144, ill.
[Scholtens 1966]
Allan Stoekl
Chartreuse, in: Jeffrey Jerome Cohen (ed.), Prismatic ecology: Ecotheory beyond green , Minneapolis (MN), 2013, 124-146  
[Stoekl 2013]
Jan G. M. Sanders
The Charterhouse near 's-Hertogenbosch and its connection with the studio of Jheronimus Bosch, 1466-1515, in: Stichting Kartuizerklooster Sinte Sophia van Constantinopel [Website], Liempde, Stichtng Kartuizerklooster, 2016, –   
[Sanders 2016a]
Michael G. Sargent & James Hogg
The chartae of the Carthusian general chapter: Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale MS Latin 10888, Part II, 1466-1474 (Ff. 159r-307r), Salzburg, 1985, 234 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 100:6)  
[Sargent & Hogg 1985b]
Michael G. Sargent & James Hogg
The chartae of the Carthusian general chapter: Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale MS Latin 10888, Part I, 1457-1465 (Ff. 1r-157v), Salzburg, 1985, 229 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 100:5)  
[Sargent & Hogg 1985a]
Michael G. Sargent & James Hogg
The chartae of the Carthusian general chapter: Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale MS Latin 10887, Part II, 1447-1456 (Ff. 145r-333v), Salzburg, 1984, 241 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 100:4)  
[Sargent & Hogg 1984b]
Michael G. Sargent & James Hogg
The chartae of the Carthusian general chapter: Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale MS Latin 10887, Part I, 1438-1446 (Ff. 1r-144r), Salzburg, 1984, 209 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 100:3)  
[Sargent & Hogg 1984a]
James Hogg & Michael G. Sargent
The chartae of the Carthusian general chapter: London, Lambeth Palace MS 413, Part 1: 1411-1439 (Ff. 1r-135r), Salburg, 1988, VIII-225 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 100:10)  
[Hogg & Sargent 1988]
James Hogg & Michael G. Sargent
The chartae of the Carthusian general chapter. Cava Ms. 61, Aula Dei: The Louber Manuale from the charterhouse of Buxheim, Salzburg, 1982, 186 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 100:1)
[Hogg & Sargent 1982]
Michael G. Sargent & James Hogg
The chartae of the Carthusian general chapter. Aula Dei, The Egen Manuale from the charterhouse of Buxheim, Oxford: Bodleian Library MS. Rawlinson D.318, Salzburg, 1983, 229 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 100:2)
[Sargent & Hogg 1983]
Michael G. Sargent
De cella in seculum: religious and secular life and devotion in late medieval England. An interdisciplinary conference in celebration of the eighth centenary of St Hugh of Avalon, Bishop of Lincoln, 20-22 July, 1986, Cambridge, 1989, 244 + (24) p., 24 ill.
[Sargent 1989]
Werner Schmid
Caterina von Siena und die Kartäuser, in: James Hogg (ed.), Kartäusische Kunst und Architektur mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Kartausen Zentraleuropas. Länderübergreifender internationaler Kongress für Kartäuserforschung, Aggsbach (NÖ, Austria 30.8.-31.8 und Brno/Brünn (CZ) 1.9.-4.9.2005 , dl. 1, Salzburg, 2006, 121-134 (= Analecta Cartusiana, 207:1)
[Schmid 2006]
Lancelot Capel Sheppard
The Carthusian rite, in: Orate Fratres. A review devoted to the liturgical apostolate, 2 (1928), 369-373
[Sheppard 1928]
Patricia Stoop & Lisanne Vroomen
A Carthusian nun’s Reportationes of Henricus Cool’s Sermons in the Low Countries, in: Virginia Blanton, Veronica O’Mara & Patricia Stoop (eds.), Nuns’ literacies in Medieval Europe: The Antwerp dialogue, Turnhout, 2018, 99-122 (= Medieval women: Texts and contexts, 28)
[Stoop & Vroomen 2018]
Antonius Sanderus
Carthusia Brugensis, in: Antonius Sanderus, Flandria illustrata, sive provinciae ac comitatus hujus descriptio ..., dl. 2, Hagae Comitum [Den Haag], Carolus De Vos & Joannes-Baptista De Vos, 1735, 100-102  
[Sanderus 1735a]
H. J. J. Scholtens
De Calvarie-groep te Antwerpen, toegeschreven aan Jacob Cornelisz. van Oostsanen, in: Oud-Holland. Driemaandelijks tijdschrift voor Nederlandse kunstgeschiedenis, 73 (1958), 233-235
[Scholtens 1958b]
Wolfgang Schmid
Bürgerschaft, Kirche und Kunst. Stiftungen an die Kölner Kartause (1450-1550), in: Werner Schäfke (ed.), Die Kölner Kartause um 1500. Eine Reise in unsere Vergangenheit, Köln, 1991, 390-425, 10 ill.
[Schmid 1991]
Hartmut Beyer, Gabriela Signori & Sita Steckel
Bruno the Carthusian and his mortuary roll. Studies, text, and translations, Turnhout, 2014, XII-326-(2) p., ill. (= Europa sacra, 16)
[Beyer, Signori & Steckel 2014]
Hartmut Beyer, Gabriela Signori & Sita Steckel
Bruno the Carthusian and his mortuary roll. Studies, text, and translations, Turnhout, 2014, XII-326-(2) p., ill. (= Europa sacra, 16)
[Beyer, Signori & Steckel 2014]
