The chartae of the Carthusian general chapter: Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale MS Latin 10888, Part II, 1466-1474 (Ff. 159r-307r)
Volledige referentie:
The chartae of the Carthusian general chapter: Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale MS Latin 10888, Part II, 1466-1474 (Ff. 159r-307r), Salzburg, 1985, 234 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 100:6)

[Sargent & Hogg 1985b]
cartae (1466-1474), manuscripta, Paris BnF (ms. Latin 10888)Notities:
Part I (1457-1465): [Sargent & Hogg 1985a].