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James Hogg
The Carthusian general chapter and the charterhouses of the Holy Roman Empire during the Great Schism, 1380-1410, in: James Hogg (ed.), Die Kartäuser und das Heilige Römische Reich. Internationaler Kongress vom 9.-11. September 1997, Bezirksklinikum in der Kartause Prüll, dl. 4, Salzburg, 1999, 73-243 (= Analecta Cartusiana, 140:4)
[Hogg 1999b]
James Hogg
Cartusia, in: Analecta Cartusiana, dl. 278, Salzburg, 2009, 45-51
[Hogg 2009a] PDF-pictogram Hogg_Cartusia.PDF (909.73 KB)
James Hogg
Unpublished texts in the Carthusian Northern Middle English. Religious miscellany British Library Ms. Add. 37049, in: James Hogg (ed.), Essays in honour of Erwin Stürzl on his sixtieth birthday, dl. 1, Salzburg, 1980, 241-284 (= Salzburger Studien zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 10:1)  
[Hogg 1980d]
James Hogg, Servilio-Maria Betancur & Stanislas Autore
Der heilige Bruno, Salzburg, 2003, 111 p., ill. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 214)  
[Hogg, Betancur & Stoelen 2003]
James Hogg
Hugo de Balma, in: Analecta Cartusiana, dl. 239, Salzburg, 2006, 57-63
[Hogg 2006d]
James Hogg
Carthusian spirituality, in: James Hogg & Gerhard Schlegel (eds.), Monasticon Cartusiense, dl. 3, Salzburg, 2005, 1-89 (= Analecta Cartusiana, 185:3)  
[Hogg 2005b] PDF-pictogram Hogg_Carthusian spirituality.pdf (14.67 MB)
James Hogg
Mount Grace Charterhouse and late medieval English spirituality. Dl. 2: The Trinity College Cambridge MS O.2.56, Salzburg, 1978, IX-144 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 64:2)
[Hogg 1978]
James Hogg
The Statuta Jancelini (1222) and the De reformatione of Prior Bernard (1248). Dl. 2: The ms. Grande Chartreuse 1 Stat. 23, Salzburg, 1978, 162 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 65:2)  
[Hogg 1978]
James Hogg
The charterhouse of Liège as seen in the chartae of the Carthusian general chapter, Salzburg, 2013, 194 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 100:65)  
[Hogg 2013b]
James Hogg
Surviving English Carthusian Remains: Beauvale, Coventry, Mountgrace. Album., 1976, 3 p., 136 ill. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 36:2)
[Hogg 1976]
James Hogg
The evolution of the Carthusian Statutes from the Consuetudines Guigonis to the Tertia Compilatio. Documents. Dl. 5: Nova Collectio Statutorum Ordinis Cartusiensis: editio secunda 1681. Pars secunda, Salzburg & Lewiston (N.Y.), 1992 [fotografische reproductie: Correriae (La Correrie), Laurentius Gilibert, 1681], X-258 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 99:5)
[Hogg 1992a]
James Hogg
Kartäuser, Kartäuserinnen, Kartausen, in: Analecta Cartusiana, dl. 333, Salzburg, 2018, 5-15
[Hogg 2018d]
James Hogg
The Carthusian nuns. A survey of the sources of their history, in: James Hogg (ed.), Die Kartäuser und ihre Welt - Kontakte und gegenseitige Einflüsse. Internationaler Kongress vom 23. bis 26. September 1992 Gaming, dl. 2, Salzburg, 1993, 190-293
[Hogg 1993]
James Hogg
Carthusian benevolence, gentleness and meekness, in: Analecta Cartusiana, dl. 325, Salzbug, 2017, 11-13
[Hogg 2017b]
James Hogg
The Speculum devotorum of an Anonymous Carthusian of Sheen, edited from the manuscripts Cambridge University Library Gg.1.6 and Foyle, with an introduction and a glossary. Dl. 2: Text, Part 1, Salzburg, 1973, 173 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 12)  
[Hogg 1973]
James Hogg
Ordens- und Ideengeschichte der Kartäuser: Spiritualität und Klosterleben, in: Analecta Cartusiana, dl. 300, Salzburg, 2013, 161-202, 38 ill.  
[Hogg 2013a]
James Hogg
Late fifteenth century Carthusian rubrics for the deacon and the sacristan from the ms. Valsainte 42/T.I.8, Salzburg, 1971, (6)-169-(1) p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 4)
[Hogg 1971b]
James Hogg
A mystical diary: the Refectorium salutis of Richard Methley of Mount Grace charterhouse, in: Kartäusermystik und -mystiker. Dritter internationaler Kongress über die Kartäusergeschichte und -spiritualität, dl. 1, Salzburg, 1981, 208-238 (= Analecta Cartusiana, 55:1)  
[Hogg 1981a]
James Hogg
Theodor Gottlieb's edition of the medieval library catalogue of the charterhouse of Aggsbach, together with two brief notes concerning books from the chaterhouses of Gaming and Mauerbach, in: Spiritualität heute und gestern, dl. 7, Salzburg, 1990, 4-99 (= Analecta Cartusiana, 35:7)  
[Hogg 1990d]
James Hogg
The evolution of the Carthusian Statutes from the Consuetudines Guigonis to the Tertia Compilatio. Documents. Dl. 2: Secunda pars Statutorum Antiquorum — Tertia pars Statutorum Antiquorum — Statuta Nova, Salzburg, 1989 [fotografische reproductie: Basel, Johannes Amerbach, 1510], IV + 161-321 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 99:2)  
[Hogg 1989c]
James Hogg
Guigo von Kastel, Kartäuser, in: Biographisch-bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon, 20 (2002), 672-679
[Hogg 2002c] PDF-pictogram Hogg_Guigo von Kastl.pdf (478.74 KB)
James Hogg
Life in an English charterhouse in the fifteenth century, in: Analecta Cartusiana, dl. 223, Salzburg, 2004, 35-61
[Hogg 2004d]
Paula Hogg
James Hogg: Bibliography, in: Meta Niederkorn-Bruck (ed.), Liber amicorum James Hogg. Kartäuserforschung 1970-2006. Internationale Tagung Kartause Aggsbach 28.8-1.9.2006 Kartause Mauerbach, dl. 6, Salzburg, 2008, 163-182 (= Analecta Cartusiana, 210:6)  
[Hogg 2008b] Afbeeldingspictogram Papegaai Paula.JPG (51.54 KB)
James Hogg
Kartausenforschung, ein Überblick zum Projekt der Analecta Cartusiana, in: Sylvain Excoffon & Coralie Zermatten (eds.), Histoire et mémoire chez les Chartreux (XIIe-XXe siècles). Actes du Colloque international du CERCOR (24-27 juin 2015), Saint-Étienne, 2017, 537-545 (= Analecta Cartusiana, 319)  
[Hogg 2017d]
James Hogg
Les chartreuses anglaises: maisons et bibliothèques, in: Alain Girard & Daniel Le Blévec (eds.), Les Charteux et l'art (XIVe - XVIIIe siècles). Actes du Xe Colloque international d'histoire et de spiritualité cartusiennes (Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, 15-18 septembre 1988), Paris, 1989, 207-228
[Hogg 1989i]
