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Kent Emery Jr.
Lovers of the world and lovers of God and neighbor. Spiritual commonplaces and the problem of authorship in the fifteenth century, in: Jan De Grauwe (ed.), Historia et spiritualitas Cartusiensis. Colloquii Quarti Internationalis Acta. Gandavi-Antverpiae-Brugis, 16-19 Sept. 1982, Destelbergen, 1983, 177-219  
[Emery 1983a]
Kent Emery Jr.
Lovers of the world and lovers of God and neighbor. Spiritual commonplaces and the problem of authorship in the fifteenth century, in: Frans Hendrickx & Tom Gaens (eds.), m.m.v. Francis Timmermans, Amo te, sacer ordo Carthusiensis. Jan De Grauwe, passionné de l'Ordre des Chartreux, Leuven, 2012, 237-280 (= Miscellanea Neerlandica, 38 / Studia Cartusiana, 1)  
[Emery 2012] PDF-pictogram Emery_Lovers of the world... Spiritual commonplaces and the authorship in the 15th century.pdf (370.46 KB)