Lovers of the world and lovers of God and neighbor. Spiritual commonplaces and the problem of authorship in the fifteenth century
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Lovers of the world and lovers of God and neighbor. Spiritual commonplaces and the problem of authorship in the fifteenth century, in: Jan De Grauwe (ed.), Historia et spiritualitas Cartusiensis. Colloquii Quarti Internationalis Acta. Gandavi-Antverpiae-Brugis, 16-19 Sept. 1982, Destelbergen, 1983, 177-219
[Emery 1983a]
Dionysius Cartusiensis: Dialogus de perfectione caritatais (opus spurium), Dionysius Cartusiensis: Speculum amatorum mundi (opus spurium), Henricus Arnoldi de Alleveldia O.Cart. (opera)Notities:
Bewerkte heruitgave: [Emery 2012].