The evolution of the Carthusian Statutes from the Consuetudines Guigonis to the Tertia Compilatio. Documents. Dl. 5: Nova Collectio Statutorum Ordinis Cartusiensis: editio secunda 1681. Pars secunda, Salzburg & Lewiston (N.Y.), 1992 [fotografische reproductie: Correriae (La Correrie), Laurentius Gilibert, 1681], X-258 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 99:5)
[Hogg 1992a]
The evolution of the Carthusian Statutes from the Consuetudines Guigonis to the Tertia Compilatio. Documents. Dl. 9: Statuta Ordinis Cartusiensis (1926). Pars secunda — Index seu repertorium Statutorum, Salzburg & Lewiston (N.Y.), 1992 [fotografische reproductie: Typis Cartusiae Sancti Hugonis Parkmonasteriensis, 1926], IV + 231-361 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 99:9)
[Hogg 1992e]
The evolution of the Carthusian Statutes from the Consuetudines Guigonis to the Tertia Compilatio. Documents. Dl. 6: Nova Collectio Statutorum Ordinis Cartusiensis: editio secunda 1681. Pars tertia — Index — Errata, Salzburg & Lewiston (N.Y.), 1992 [fotografische reproductie: Correriae (La Correrie), Laurentius Gilibert, 1681], IV + 259-396 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 99:6)
[Hogg 1992b]
The evolution of the Carthusian Statutes from the Consuetudines Guigonis to the Tertia Compilatio. Documents. Dl. 10: Ordinarium Cartusiense (1932). Capitula I-XXXIV, Salzburg & Lewiston (N.Y.), 1992 [fotografische reproductie: Typis Cart. S. Hugonis Parkmonasteriensis (Parkminster), 1932], (4)-X-250 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 99:10)
[Hogg 1992f]
The evolution of the Carthusian Statutes from the Consuetudines Guigonis to the Tertia Compilatio. Documents. Dl. 7: Nova Collectio Statutorum Ordinis Cartusiensis: editio secunda 1681. Directorium Novitiorum — Bullae quaedam Pontificiae, Salzburg & Lewiston (N.Y.), 1992 [fotografische reproductie: Correriae (La Correrie), Laurentius Gilibert, 1681], (2)-X-40 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 99:7)
[Hogg 1992c]
The evolution of the Carthusian Statutes from the Consuetudines Guigonis to the Tertia Compilatio. Documents. Dl. 11: Ordinarium Cartusiense (1932). Capitula XXXV-LV — Index seu Repertorium, Salzburg & Lewiston (N.Y.), 1992 [fotografische reproductie: Typis Cart. S. Hugonis Parkmonasteriensis (Parkminster), 1932], II + 251-441 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 99:11)
[Hogg 1992g]
The evolution of the Carthusian Statutes from the Consuetudines Guigonis to the Tertia Compilatio. Documents. Dl. 8: Statuta Ordinis Cartusiensis (1926). Pars prima, Salzburg & Lewiston (N.Y.), 1992 [fotografische reproductie: Typis Cartusiae Hugonis Parkmonasteriensis (Parkminster), 1926], VII-229 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 99:8)
[Hogg 1992d]
The evolution of the Carthusian Statutes from the Consuetudines Guigonis to the Tertia Compilatio. Documents. Dl. 2: Secunda pars Statutorum Antiquorum — Tertia pars Statutorum Antiquorum — Statuta Nova, Salzburg, 1989 [fotografische reproductie: Basel, Johannes Amerbach, 1510], IV + 161-321 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 99:2)
[Hogg 1989c]
The evolution of the Carthusian Statutes from the Consuetudines Guigonis to the Tertia Compilatio. Documents. Dl. 3: Tertia Compilatio Statutorum Ordinis Cartusiensis — Repertorium Statutorum Ordinis Cartusiensis per ordinem alphabeti, Salzburg, 1989 [fotografische reproductie: Basel, Johannes Amerbach, 1510], IV + 323-509 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 99:3)
[Hogg 1989d]
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[Hogg 1989e]
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[Hogg 1989b]
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[Hogg 1989h]
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[Dubois 1986a]
Ein Kommentar der Kartäuserstatuten aus dem 15. Jahrhundert, in: Kartäuserregel und Kartäuserleben. Internationaler Kongress vom 30. Mai bis 3. Juni 1984, Stift Heiligenkreuz , dl. 1, Salzburg, 1984, 187-192 (= Analecta Cartusiana, 113:1)
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Guigo I, wetgever van de kartuizers, in: Frans Hendrickx (ed.), De Kartuizers en hun klooster te Zelem. Tentoonstelling ter gelegenheid van het negende eeuwfeest van de Orde (1084-1984), Diest, 1984, 20-21 (= Diestsche Cronycke, 7)
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[Blüm 1983d]
Les Statuts Rénovés en dialogue avec la tradition. Florilège de textes patristiques et modernes, 3 dln., Chartreuse de Portes, 1980, 1230 p.
[Statuts et tradition 1980]
The Statuta Jancelini (1222) and the De reformatione of Prior Bernard (1248). Dl. 2: The ms. Grande Chartreuse 1 Stat. 23, Salzburg, 1978, 162 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 65:2)
[Hogg 1978]
Die Kartause Buxheim 1402-1803. Folge 2: Verfassung der Kartause, Ordensdisziplin während der Reformationszeit, Kulturelle Bestätigung der Mönche bis 1554, Bibliothek und Archiv, Buxheim, 1975, 193-411 (doorlopend) p., 4 ill.
[Stöhlker 1975a]
Aux sources de la vie cartusienne. Dl. 5: Sources des Consuetudines Cartusiae. Tables, In Domo Cartusiae [Grande Chartreuse], 1971, 207 p.
[Laporte 1971]
Statuta Renovata Ordinis Cartusiensis. Libri 1-4 / Libri 5-8 / Table analytique, In Domo Cartusiae [Grande Chartreuse], Capitulum Generale, 1971, (4)-139-(1) + (3)-II-(2)-139-(1) + 27-(3) p.
[Statuta Renovata 1971] Statuta Renovata libri 1-4_Capitula.PDF (143.14 KB)
3Aux sources de la vie cartusienne. Dl. 4/3: Sources des Consuetudines Cartusiae [42-80], In Domo Cartusiae [Grande Chartreuse], 1970, 768-1240 p.
[Laporte 1970]
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[Hogg 1970]
Aux sources de la vie cartusienne. Dl. 4/2: Sources des Consuetudines Cartusiae [15-41], In Domo Cartusiae [Grande Chartreuse], 1967, 273-767 p.
[Laporte 1967]
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[Laporte 1965]