The evolution of the Carthusian Statutes from the Consuetudines Guigonis to the Tertia Compilatio. Documents. Dl. 2: Secunda pars Statutorum Antiquorum — Tertia pars Statutorum Antiquorum — Statuta Nova
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The evolution of the Carthusian Statutes from the Consuetudines Guigonis to the Tertia Compilatio. Documents. Dl. 2: Secunda pars Statutorum Antiquorum — Tertia pars Statutorum Antiquorum — Statuta Nova, Salzburg, 1989 [fotografische reproductie: Basel, Johannes Amerbach, 1510], IV + 161-321 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 99:2)

[Hogg 1989c]
legislatio, statuta, Statuta Antiqua O.Cart. (facsimile editionis Basiliae 1510), Statuta Nova O.Cart. (facsimile editionis Basiliae 1510)Notities:
Zie Introductory Remark in het eerste deel.
Zie ook: [Statuta 1510].