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Anthony Ian Doyle
English Carthusian books not yet linked with a charterhouse, in: Toby Barnard, Dáibhí Ó Cróinín & Katharine Simms (eds.), A miracle of learning. Studies in manuscripts and Irish learning. Essays in honour of William O' Sullivan., Aldershot, 1998, 122-136
[Doyle 1998] PDF-pictogram Doyle_Carthusian books not yet linked with a charterhouse.pdf (127 KB)
Anthony Ian Doyle
The libraries of the Carthusians, in: Vincent Gillespie (ed.), Syon Abbey, London, 2001, 607-652 (= Corpus of British medieval library catalogues, 9)
[Doyle 2001] PDF-pictogram Doyle_Libraries of the Carthusians.PDF (3.87 MB)