Chartreuse de Hérinnes-lez-Enghien, in: Annales du Cercle royal archéologique d’Enghien, 51 (2023), 310 – 334., ill.
[Carbonnelle, 2023]

Overlapping space and temporal access in the Chartreuse de Champmol, in: Sheila Bonde & Clark Maines (eds.), Other monasticisms. Studies in the history and architecture of religious communities outside the canon, 11th - 15th Centuries, Turnhout, 2022, – (= Art series)

[Chilson-Parks 2022]
Alla scuola del silenzio: Un itinerario di contemplazione Antologia di autori certosini, Soveria Mannelli, 2021, 536 p. (= Amore e silenzio. Voci, 1)
[Matteo 2021]

A construção de uma comunidade sensível: corpo, afeto e emoção nos escritos de Guigo I (Grande Cartuxa, 1109-1136) [The construction of a sensitive community: body, affection and emotion in the writings of Guigo I (Grande Chartreuse, 1109-1136) ], in: Pasado Abierto. Revista del CEHis, 9 (2019), 36-59

[Castanho 2019]

The Charterhouse of Bruges: Jan van Eyck, Petrus Christus, and Jan Vos. Exhibition: The Frick Collection, New York, 18 September 2018 - 13 January 2019, New York (NY), 2018, 160 p., 82 + [4] ill.
[Ainsworth & Borchert 2018]
Kartuizersite Lierde: Sint-Martens-Bos, Meerbeke, 2018, 16 p. (= Erfgoedsprokkels: Oost-Vlaams erfgoed in de kijker)
[Cock 2018 ]
Carlo Giuseppe Morozzo e l’Ordine Certosino. Erudizione e storia nel Seicento, in: Sylvain Excoffon & Coralie Zermatten (eds.), Histoire et mémoire chez les Chartreux (XIIe-XXe siècles). Actes du Colloque international du CERCOR (24-27 juin 2015), Saint-Étienne, 2017, 373-387 (= Analecta Cartusiana, 319)
[Comino 2017]
Gulden Legende. De Middelnederlandse vertaling van de Legenda aurea door Petrus Naghel, uitgegeven naar handschrift Brussel, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 15140, dl. 1, Turnhout, 2017, CXCIV-(2)-411-(1) p.
[Berteloot, Claasens & Kuiper 2017]
The image of Bruno of Cologne in his mortuary roll, in: Giles Constable, Medieval monasticism , London & New York, 2017, 139-148 (= Variorum collected studies series, 1064)

[Constable 2017a]
Mount Grace Charterhouse and late medieval English spirituality. Dl. 1: The works of Richard Methley, Salzburg, 2017, XXVI-119 p., ill. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 64:1)
[Clark & Hogg 2017]
Raccogliendo monumenti antichi. Benedetto Tromby tra storia universale dell’Ordine Certosino e storia particolare della Certosa di S. Stefano del Bosco, in: Sylvain Excoffon & Coralie Zermatten (eds.), Histoire et mémoire chez les Chartreux (XIIe-XXe siècles). Actes du Colloque international du CERCOR (24-27 juin 2015), Saint-Étienne, 2017, 435-475 (= Analecta Cartusiana, 319)
[Ceravolo 2017]
Saint Bruno et les Chartreux: solitaires d'Occident. Un topos hagiographique dans la France du Grand Siècle, in: Sylvain Excoffon & Coralie Zermatten (eds.), Histoire et mémoire chez les Chartreux (XIIe-XXe siècles). Actes du Colloque international du CERCOR (24-27 juin 2015), Saint-Étienne, 2017, 73-107, 6 ill. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 319)
[Castagnetti 2017]
Saint Bruno of Cologne and solitude, in: Giles Constable, Medieval monasticism , London & New York, 2017, 149-164 (= Variorum collected studies series, 1064)

[Constable 2017b]
Science, nations, tradition. L’historiographie cartusienne entre 1871 et 1914, in: Sylvain Excoffon & Coralie Zermatten (eds.), Histoire et mémoire chez les Chartreux (XIIe-XXe siècles). Actes du Colloque international du CERCOR (24-27 juin 2015), Saint-Étienne, 2017, 479-509 (= Analecta Cartusiana, 319)
[Chaix 2017]
This is for me nota: The annotator of the Chastising of God’s Children in Yale, Beinecke Library, MS Osborn fa46, in: Tom Gaens, Thom Mertens & Kees Schepers (eds.), Libros sempiternum animarum cibum custodire voluit. Essays voor Frans Hendrickx, Leuven, 2017, 209-232 (= Ons geestelijk erf, 88:2-4)
[Cré 2017]
The London charterhouse: an urban charterhouse and its dissolution, in: Laurent Auberson (ed.), Les chartreuses et leur espace. Actes du colloque tenu à Arzier (canton Vaud, Suisse) en 2008 et études diverses, Lausanne, 2016, 175-186 (= Cahiers d’archéologie romande, 160)
[Clark 2016]
Adam of Witham: De quadripartito exercitio cellae. A critical edition, 2 dln., Salzburg, 2015, XXX-142; 94 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 256:1-2)
[Clark & Hogg 2015]
The charterhouse of Buxheim in the chartae of the Carthusian general chapter 1475-1658, in: Friedrich Stoehlker, Die Geschichte der Kartause Buxheim, dl. 5, Salzburg, 2015, 66-78 (= Analecta Cartusiana, 316 : 5)
[Clark 2015]
Emotions and the social order of time: constructing history at Louvain's carthusian house (1486-1525), in: Susan Broomhall (ed.), Gender and emotions in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: destroying order, structuring order, Farnham & Burlington (VT), 2015, 89-108
[Champion 2015]

De Hernse Bijbel (ca. 1350-ca. 1400), in: Paul Gillaerts, Henri Bloemen, Youri Desplenter, Wim François & August den Hollander (eds.), De Bijbel in de Lage Landen. Elf eeuwen van vertalen, Heerenveen, 2015, 125-150, 3 ill.
[Claassens 2015]
Dietschen soe ic naest mach. Petrus Naghel en de kartuis van Herne als vertaalcentrum (1358-1388), in: Het zwijgzame verleden. 700 jaar kloosterkroniek: Klooster van Onze-Lieve-Vrouwe-Kapelle te Herne, Herne, 2014, 73-125, ill.
[Claassens 2014]
Exit Petrus Naghel als Bijbelvertaler?, in: Ons geestelijk erf, 85 (2014), 3-38
[Coun 2014]

Archeologisch begeleidingsonderzoek in het voormalige kartuizerklooster te Leuven, Leuven, KU Leuven, Faculteit Letteren, Onderzoekseenheid Archeologie, 2013, 18 p., ill.

[Claeys & Lodewijckx 2013]
Ende gaet inder sartroeysen ordine. De kartuizers en de Catharina van Siena-cultus in de Lage Landen, in: Stephen J. Molvarec & Tom Gaens (eds.), A fish out of water? From contemplative solitude to Carthusian involvement in pastoral care and reform activity. Proceedings of the Symposium Ordo pre ceteris commendatus held in Zelem, Belgium, Septermber 2008, Leuven, 2013, 211-230 (= Miscellanea Neerlandica, 41 / Studia Cartusiana, 2)
[Claassens 2013]
Goswinus de Beka, in: Compendium Auctorum Latinorum Medii Aevi — C.A.L.M.A., 4:4 (2013), 400
[Chiti 2013]