Job en Psalmen binnen het oeuvre van de Bijbelvertaler van 1360. Naar aanleiding van de veertiende-eeuwse handschriften met de Zuid-Nederlandse bijbelvertaling
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Job en Psalmen binnen het oeuvre van de Bijbelvertaler van 1360. Naar aanleiding van de veertiende-eeuwse handschriften met de Zuid-Nederlandse bijbelvertaling, in: Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse taal- en letterkunde, 119 (2003), 20-39, 1 ill.

[Kors 2003d]
Bijbelvertaler van 1360 (ars translatandi)Notities:
Geactualiseerd in [Kors 2007a] 95-114.
The so-called "Bijbelvertaler van 1360" — a Carthusian monk from the monastery of Herne near Brussels — was one of the most prolific translators of Middle Dutch literature. An important part of his works consists of his translation of the Bible, which he made at the request of Jan Taye, a patrician from Brussels. From the fourteenth century only one manuscript and two fragments have survived, containing translations of which the authorship of the Bijbelvertaler still has to be determined: Job and the Psalms. By studying the translation technique and the circumstantial evidence available, we will attempt to show that he can indeed be considered its translator. We will also present our description of the manuscripts involved, two of which seem to have belonged to a monastery or some religious community.