The transmission by the English Carthusians of some late medieval spiritual writings, in: Journal of ecclesiastical history, 27 (1976), 225-240
[Sargent 1976]
The self-verification of visionary phenomena: Richard Methley's Experimentum veritatis, in: Kartäusermystik und -mystiker. Dritter internationaler Kongress über die Kartäusergeschichte und -spiritualität, dl. 2, Salzburg, 1981, 121-137 (= Analecta Cartusiana, 55:2)

[Sargent 1981]
The chartae of the Carthusian general chapter. Cava Ms. 61, Aula Dei: The Louber Manuale from the charterhouse of Buxheim, Salzburg, 1982, 186 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 100:1)
[Hogg & Sargent 1982]
Two fifteenth-century letters to the general chapter - Staatsarchiv Wertheim F 73a:68, in: Kartäusermystik und -mystiker. Dritter internationaler Kongress über die Kartäusergeschichte und -spiritualität, dl. 5, Salzburg, 1982, 47-55

[Sargent 1982]

The chartae of the Carthusian general chapter. Aula Dei, The Egen Manuale from the charterhouse of Buxheim, Oxford: Bodleian Library MS. Rawlinson D.318, Salzburg, 1983, 229 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 100:2)
[Sargent & Hogg 1983]
Ruusbroec in England: The Chastising of God's Chldren and other related works, in: Jan De Grauwe (ed.), Historia et spiritualitas Cartusiensis. Colloquii Quarti Internationalis Acta. Gandavi-Antverpiae-Brugis, 16-19 Sept. 1982, Destelbergen, 1983, 303-312
[Sargent 1983]
The chartae of the Carthusian general chapter: Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale MS Latin 10887, Part I, 1438-1446 (Ff. 1r-144r), Salzburg, 1984, 209 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 100:3)

[Sargent & Hogg 1984a]
The chartae of the Carthusian general chapter: Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale MS Latin 10887, Part II, 1447-1456 (Ff. 145r-333v), Salzburg, 1984, 241 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 100:4)

[Sargent & Hogg 1984b]
William Exmewe, Maurice Chauncy, and The Cloud of Unknowing, in: Spiritualität heute und gestern. Internationaler Kongress vom 4. bis. 7 August 1982, Zisterzienserkloster Lilienfeld, dl. 4, Salzburg, 1984, 17-20 (= Analecta Cartusiana, 35:4)
[Sargent 1984]

The chartae of the Carthusian general chapter: Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale MS Latin 10888, Part I, 1457-1465 (Ff. 1r-157v), Salzburg, 1985, 229 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 100:5)

[Sargent & Hogg 1985a]
The chartae of the Carthusian general chapter: Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale MS Latin 10888, Part II, 1466-1474 (Ff. 159r-307r), Salzburg, 1985, 234 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 100:6)

[Sargent & Hogg 1985b]
Die Handschriften der Cartae des Generalkapitels. Ein analytischer Überblick, in: Kartäuserregel und Kartäuserleben. Internationaler Kongress vom 30. Mai bis 3. Juni 1984, Stift Heiligenkreuz , dl. 3, 1985, 5-46 (= Analecta Cartusiana, 113:2)
[Sargent 1985]
The chartae of the Carthusian general chapter: London, Lambeth Palace MS 413, Part 1: 1411-1439 (Ff. 1r-135r), Salburg, 1988, VIII-225 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 100:10)

[Hogg & Sargent 1988]
De cella in seculum: religious and secular life and devotion in late medieval England. An interdisciplinary conference in celebration of the eighth centenary of St Hugh of Avalon, Bishop of Lincoln, 20-22 July, 1986, Cambridge, 1989, 244 + (24) p., 24 ill.
[Sargent 1989]
The problem of uniformity in Carthusian book production, from the Opus Pacis to the Tertia Compilatio Statutorum, in: Richard Beadle & A. J. Piper (eds.), New science out of old books. Studies in manuscripts and early printed books in honour of A.I. Doyle, Aldershot, 1995, 122-141
[Sargent 1995]

Nicholas Love as an ecclesiastical reformer, in: Mathilde Van Dijk, José Van Aelst & Tom Gaens (eds.), Faithful to the Cross in a moving world: Late medieval Carthusians as devotional reformers, Leiden, 2016, 40-64 (= Church history and religious culture, 96:1-2)
[Sargent 2016]