
Auteur Titel [ Jaar(Desc)]
James Hogg
Ordens- und Ideengeschichte der Kartäuser: Spiritualität und Klosterleben, in: Analecta Cartusiana, dl. 300, Salzburg, 2013, 161-202, 38 ill.  
[Hogg 2013a]
Thomas Jérôme
De pain et d’eau: vie quotidienne des moniales chartreuses (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles) d’après les exemples de Gosnay et de Prémol, in: Bulltin du CERCOR, 37 (2013), 113-129, 6 ill.
[Jérôme 2013b]
Demetrio S. Yocum
Petrarch's humanist writing and Carthusian monasticism. The secret language of the self, Turnhout, 2013, XVIII-308 p., 30 ill. (= Medieval Church Studies, 26)
[Yocum 2013]
Rob Faesen
Ruusbroec at the charterhouse of Herne. How did the Carthusians react to the Eckhart shock?, in: Stephen J. Molvarec & Tom Gaens (eds.), A fish out of water? From contemplative solitude to Carthusian involvement in pastoral care and reform activity. Proceedings of the Symposium Ordo pre ceteris commendatus held in Zelem, Belgium, Septermber 2008, Leuven, 2013, 107-125 (= Miscellanea Neerlandica, 41 / Studia Cartusiana, 2)
[Faesen 2013]
Guillaume D’Alançon
Saint Anthelme, un chartreux devenu évêque, Perpignan, 2013, 131-(1) p.
[D’Alançon 2013] PDF-pictogram Recensie Hendrickx_RHE 111 (2016) 934-935.pdf (383.9 KB)
André Louf , tr. Demetrio S. Yocum
Saint Bruno, in: Cistercian studies quarterly, 48 (2013), 213-224, 353-367  
[Louf & Yocum 2013] PDF-pictogram Louf_Saint Bruno.pdf (1.29 MB)
Rudolf Th.M. Van Dijk
Tussen kartuizers en cisterciënzers. De brieven van Geert Grote aan de abdij van Kamp, in: Stephen J. Molvarec & Tom Gaens (eds.), A fish out of water? From contemplative solitude to Carthusian involvement in pastoral care and reform activity. Proceedings of the Symposium Ordo pre ceteris commendatus held in Zelem, Belgium, Septermber 2008, Leuven, 2013, 127-163 (= Miscellanea Neerlandica, 41 / Studia Cartusiana, 2)
[Van Dijk 2013]
Jan De Grauwe
Twee broers uit Poperinge, monnik, Destelbergen, 2013, 4 p. (= Scripta per internexum, 2013.06.05)
[De Grauwe 2013] PDF-pictogram De Grauwe_Twee broers uit Poperinge, monnik.pdf (516.41 KB)
Stephen J. Molvarec
Vox clamantis in deserto. The development of Carthusian relations with society in the High Middle Ages, in: Stephen J. Molvarec & Tom Gaens (eds.), A fish out of water? From contemplative solitude to Carthusian involvement in pastoral care and reform activity. Proceedings of the Symposium Ordo pre ceteris commendatus held in Zelem, Belgium, Septermber 2008, Leuven, 2013, 13-49 (= Miscellanea Neerlandica, 41 / Studia Cartusiana, 2)
[Molvarec 2013]
Tom Gaens
Acquiring religious perfection outside a vow. The Carthusian institution of the Donati in late medieval reformist communities and the Modern Devotion, in: The Medieval Low Countries, 1 (2014), 139-171  
[Gaens 2014b]
Marc Danneels
... afspiegeling van het hemels bestaan. Van de stichting tot eind 16de eeuw, in: Het zwijgzame verleden. 700 jaar kloosterkroniek: Klooster van Onze-Lieve-Vrouwe-Kapelle te Herne, Herne, 2014, 37-53, ill.
[Danneels 2014] PDF-pictogram Danneels_Hernse kartuis van stichting tot einde 16e eeuw.pdf (671.8 KB)
Jos Bernaer
... als boodschappers van de waarheid ... Herne als spirituele bakermat, in: Het zwijgzame verleden. 700 jaar kloosterkroniek: Klooster van Onze-Lieve-Vrouwe-Kapelle te Herne, Herne, 2014, 55-70, ill.
[Bernaer 2014a]
Dominique Mielle de Becdelièvre
Les bibles cartusiennes, in: Gilbert Dahan & Annie Noblesse-Rocher (eds.), L'exégèse monastique au moyen âge (XIe-XIVe siècle), Paris, 2014, 57-83 (= Collection des Éudes augustiniennes, série Moyen Âge et Temps Modernes, 51)
[Mielle de Becdelièvre 2014] PDF-pictogram Mielle de Becdelièvre_Bibles cartusiennes.PDF (2.81 MB)
Annick Peters-Custot
Bruno en Calabre. Histoire d'une fondation monastique dans l'Italie normande: S. Maria de Turri et S. Stefano del Bosco, Rome, 2014, 430 p., ill. (= Collection de l'École française de Rome, 489)
[Peters-Custot 2014] PDF-pictogram Peters-Custot_Bruno en Clabre_inhoudsopgave.pdf (21.83 KB)
Hartmut Beyer, Gabriela Signori & Sita Steckel
Bruno the Carthusian and his mortuary roll. Studies, text, and translations, Turnhout, 2014, XII-326-(2) p., ill. (= Europa sacra, 16)
[Beyer, Signori & Steckel 2014]
Birgit Dukers
The building history of the charterhouse of Roermond, in: Krijn Pansters (ed.), The Carthusians in the Low Countries. Studies in monastic history and heritage, Leuven, 2014, 319-337, 10 ill. (= Miscellanea Neerlandica, 43 / Studia Cartusiana, 4)
[Dukers 2014]
Francis Timmermans
Calendarium cartusiae monachorum Brugensis, Salzburg, 2014, XIV-368 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 279:4)  
[Timmermans 2014]
Peter Nissen
Carthusian worlds, Carthusian images. The fascination of silence and inaccessibilty, in: Studies in spirituality, 24 (2014), 143-154
[NIssen 2014] PDF-pictogram Nissen_Carthusian worlds, Carthusian images.PDF (5.83 MB)
James Hogg
The Carthusians. History and heritage, in: Krijn Pansters (ed.), The Carthusians in the Low Countries. Studies in monastic history and heritage, Leuven, 2014, 31-56 (= Miscellanea Neerlandica, 43 / Studia Cartusiana, 4)
[Hogg 2014a]
Krijn Pansters
The Carthusians in the Low Countries. Introduction, in: Krijn Pansters (ed.), The Carthusians in the Low Countries. Studies in monastic history and heritage, Leuven, 2014, 11-29 (= Miscellanea Neerlandica, 43 / Studia Cartusiana, 4)
[Pansters 2014b]
Krijn Pansters
The Carthusians in the Low Countries. Studies in monastic history and heritage, Leuven, 2014, 397-(19) p., 25 ill. (= Miscellanea Neerlandica, 43 / Studia Cartusiana, 4)  
[Pansters 2014a]
Peter Thissen
Cel en wereld. Kartuizers en boeken in Roermond (1376-1783), Leuven, 2014, 628-(4) p. (= Miscellanea Neerlandica, 42 / Studia Cartusiana, 3)  
[Thissen 2014a]
Francisco Morales-Pérez
Community discernment in Saint Bruno's Letter to Raoul, in: Krijn Pansters (ed.), The Carthusians in the Low Countries. Studies in monastic history and heritage, Leuven, 2014, 175-187, 2 ill. (= Miscellanea Neerlandica, 43 / Studia Cartusiana, 4)
[Morales-Pérez 2014]
Jan De Grauwe
Confréries / Broederschappen, in: Francis Timmermans (ed.), Calendarium cartusiae monachorum Brugensis, Salzburg, 2014, V-XI (= Analecta Cartusiana, 279:4)
[De Grauwe 2014]
Elke Nagel
Das Zellenhaus der Kartäuser und seine Übersetzung in die moderne Minimalwohnung, in: Heinz Krieg, Frank Löbbecke & Katharina Ungerer-Heuck (eds.), Die Kartause St. Johannisberg in Freiburg im Breisgau: historische und baugeschichtliche Untersuchungen, Freiburg im Breisgau, 2014, 35-42 (= Veröffentlichungen aus dem Archiv der Stadt Freiburg im Breisgau, 41)
[Nagel 2014a]
