Denys the Carthusian and the doxography of scholastic theology

Volledige referentie:

Kent Emery Jr.
Denys the Carthusian and the doxography of scholastic theology, in: Kent Emery Jr., Monastic, scholastic and mystical theologies from the later Midde Ages, Aldershot, 1996, 327-359 (= Collected studies series , 561)  
[Emery 1996d]


Dionysius Cartusiensis (theologia scolastica), theologia scolastica


Reeds vroeger verschenen in: Mark D. Jordan & Kent Emery Jr. (eds.), Ad litteram: authoritative texts and their medieval readers, Notre Dame(Ind.) 1992, 327-359 (= Notre Dame conferences in medieval studies, 3).