Ruusbroec through the looking glass. Henry of Coesfeld’s devotional theology and its influence on Nicholas of Cusa
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Ruusbroec through the looking glass. Henry of Coesfeld’s devotional theology and its influence on Nicholas of Cusa, in: Marieke Abram, Susanne Bernhardt, Gilbert Fournier & Balázs J. Nemes (eds.), Mystik unterwegs. Theologia mystica und revelationes in kartäusischen Händen, Leuven, 2022, 357-403, 1 ill. (= Miscellanea Neerlandica, 49 / Studia Cartusiana, 7)

[Gaens 2022a]
Henricus de Coesfeld O.Cart. (Nicolaus Cusanus), Henricus de Coesfeld O.Cart. (theologia devotionalis), Nicolaus CusanusTekstmededelingen:
This essay expands on some statements made by the Belgian philosopher Louis Dupré (†2022), who claimed that in Nicholas of Cusa’s texts – especially in ‘De visione Dei’ – one encounters the Trinitarian doctrine of the mystical theologian John of Ruusbroec. It characterizes the Carthusian author Heny of Coesfeld as a mediator between Ruusbroec’s vernacular theology and Cusanus’ early sermons, by showing how the Carthusian’s Trinitarian and Christological thinking was shaped by Ruusbroec’s ideas, and by demonstrating to what extent the Carthusian’s sermons influenced the young Cusan. It specifically focuses on two sermons of Henry of Coesfeld, one on the threefold birth of Christ for the feast of the Nativity of Christ and another on the contemplative and active life for feast of the Assumption of Mary.