Katalogisierte kartäusische Spiritualität. (An)Ordnungen mystischen und visionären Schrifttums in den Bibliothekskatalogen süddeutscher Kartausen
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Katalogisierte kartäusische Spiritualität. (An)Ordnungen mystischen und visionären Schrifttums in den Bibliothekskatalogen süddeutscher Kartausen, in: Marieke Abram, Susanne Bernhardt, Gilbert Fournier & Balázs J. Nemes (eds.), Mystik unterwegs. Theologia mystica und revelationes in kartäusischen Händen, Leuven, 2022, 203-244 (= Miscellanea Neerlandica, 49 / Studia Cartusiana, 7)

[Holtzhauer 2022]
Basel O.Cart. (litteraria spiritualia), bibliothecae, Buxheim O.Cart. (litteraria spiritualia), Freiburg i. Br. O.Cart. (litteraria spiritualia), Germania Meridionalis O.Cart. (litteraria spiritualia), Güterstein O.Cart. (litteraria spiritualia), litteraria spiritualia, Mainz O.Cart. (litteraria spiritualia), Nürnberg O.Cart. (litteraria spiritualia), Strassbourg O.Cart. (litteraria spiritualia)Tekstmededelingen:
This article explores the different organizing principles of library catalogues of several Southern German charterhouses, inter alia Basel, Buxheim, and Mainz, focusing primarily on mystical literature of women and texts on the otherworld which influenced Carthusian spirituality decisively. In the light of the complex and programmatic conception of the Carthusian Erfurt catalogue created by Jakob Volradi together with Frater N. some important questions arise. Are we dealing with an individual case here? Or were Carthusian librarians elsewhere organizing their catalogues and libraries based on similar or even the same principles? At least, many charterhouses were in contact and exchanged books and ideas, as far as we know. Instead of providing definite answers and conclusions to these questions the study rather wants to contribute some initial thoughts on the matter resulting from fundamental research based on the examination of hundreds of catalogue pages, medieval as well as modern.