Frans Hendrickx, academisch bibliothecaris van het Ruusbroecgenootschap en kartuizervorser. Een bio-bibliografische schets
Volledige referentie:
Frans Hendrickx, academisch bibliothecaris van het Ruusbroecgenootschap en kartuizervorser. Een bio-bibliografische schets, in: Tom Gaens, Thom Mertens & Kees Schepers (eds.), Libros sempiternum animarum cibum custodire voluit. Essays voor Frans Hendrickx, Leuven, 2017, [319] p., 1 ill. (= Ons geestelijk erf, 88:2-4, p. 89*408)

[Gaens & Schepers 2017]
Hendrickx Frans [historiographus]Notities:
Aanvulling Bibliografie > Recensies > Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique:
72 (1977) 724-725: Jan De Grauwe, Histoire de la chartreuse du Val-Royal à Gand et de la chartreuse du Bois-Saint-Martin à Lierde-Saint-Martin (Flandre Orientale) [Analecta Cartusiana, 18]. Salzburg 1974.
106 (2011) 874-875: Palémon Bastin, Reliquiae Chartarum Capituli Generalis. Dl. 4: 1564-1620, bd. 1: 1564-1570; bd. 2: 1571-1578; bd. 3: 1579-1587; bd. 4: 1588-1593, presented by James Hogg [Analecta Cartusiana, 100:49]. Salzburg 2009. / Palémon Bastin, Reliquiae Chartarum Capituli Generalis 1621-1730. Ms. Grande Chartreuse 1 Cart. 16. Dl. 3: 1663-1699, dl. 4: 1700-1731, presented by James Hogg [Analecta Cartusiana, 100:48]. Salzburg 2009. / Palémon Bastin, Reliquiae Chartarum Capituli Generalis 1731-1796. Ms. Grande Chartreuse 1 Cart. 16. Dl. 1: 1731-1750, dl. 2: 1751-1772, dl. 3: 1773-1796, edited by James Hogg [Analecta Cartusiana, 100:20]. Salzburg 2007-2008.
108 (2013) 544-545: Michael of Prague, O. Cart., De quatuor virtutibus cardinalibus pro erudtione principum (Book II-IV), edidit et prolegomenis, apparatu critico, indicibus instruxit Raphael Witkowski [Analecta Cartusiana, 6:2]. Salzburg 2009.
108 (2013) 555-557: John Clark (ed.), Chartae Capituli Generalis, 1557, 1560-1575, Grenoble, Bibliothèque Municipale MS. 439, Grande Chartreuse MS. 1 Cart. 19, t. 2: 1567-1570, t. 3: 1571-1575 [Analecta Cartusiana, 100:40:2-3]. Salzburg 2007. / James Hogg (ed.), Cartae Capituli Generalis 1557, 1571-1575, Grenoble, Bibliothèque Municipale MS. 439, t. 4 [Analecta Cartusiana, 100:40:4]. Salzburg 2007.
109 (2014) 1167-1168: John Clark, The London Charterhouse: An Urban Charterhouse and its Dissolution. – Tim Peeters, Vivere nel cuore della Chiesa: i Certosini e la communio ecclesiale. – James Hogg, The Charterhouse of Serra San Bruno as seen in the Chartae of the Carthusian General Chapter [Analecta Cartusiana, 267]. Salzburg 2008.
109 (2014) 1175-1176: James Hogg, The Charterhouse of Walditz and the Carthusian General Chapter. – James Hogg, The Charterhouse of Roermond in the Chartae of the Carthusian General Chapter. – Analecta Cartusiana 1970-2008 [Analecta Cartusiana, 259]. Salzburg 2008.