Petrus Dorlandus O. Carth. en Dominicus van Gelre O.P.


Ampe, Albert

Volledige referentie:

Albert Ampe
Petrus Dorlandus O. Carth. en Dominicus van Gelre O.P., in: Anthonie R. A. Croiset van Uchelen (ed.), Hellinga Festschrift / Feestbundel / Mélanges. Forty-three studies in bibliography presented to Prof. Dr. Wytze Hellinga ..., Amsterdam, 1980, 29-42  
[Ampe 1980]


Dominicus Gelrensis [Gelre], Petrus Dorlandus O.Cart.: Viola animae (Dominicus Gelrensis)


Vervolg van de titel: ... on the occasion of his retirement from the Chair of Neophilology in the University of Amsterdam at the end of the year 1978.