Carthusians as public intellectuals. Cloistered religious as advisors to lay elites on the eve of the Protestant Reformation, in: Christopher M. Bellitto & David Zachariah Flanagin (eds.), Reassessing reform. A historical investigation into Church renewal, Washington, DC, 2012, 232-253
[Martin 2012]
Carthusians, God's judgement, and the Infestacio Thurcorum of the fifteenth century, in: Martin Homza, Veronika Kucharská, Stanislava Kuzmová & Nad’a Rácová (eds.), Central European Charterhouses in the Family of the Carthusian Order / Die mitteleuropäischen Kartausen in der Familie des Kartäusersordens, Salzburg, 2008, 51-65 (= Analecta Cartusiana, 254)

[Martin 2008]
Sanctity in Carthusian spirituality, in: Alain Girard, Daniel Le Blévec & Nathalie Nabert (eds.), Saint Bruno et sa postérité spirituelle. Actes du Colloque international des 8 et 9 octobre 2001 à l'Institut catholique de Paris, Salzburg, 2003, 197-215 (= Analecta Cartusiana, 189)
[Martin 2003]
Reform without revolution: discretio as the legacy of the Carthusians, in: Jürg Ganz & Margrit Früh (eds.), Das Erbe der Kartäuser. Akten des III. Internationalen Kartäuserkongresses in der Kartause Ittingen vom 1.-5. Dezember 1999, Salzburg, 2000, 170-184 (= Analecta Cartusiana, 160)
[Martin 2000]

Carthusian spirituality. Th writings of Hugh of Balma and Guigo de Ponte, New York & Mahwah, 1996, XXIV-356-(4) p. (= The classics of Western spirituality, 88)
[Martin 1996]

The honeymoon was over: Carthusians between aristocracy and bourgeoisie, in: James Hogg (ed.), Die Kartäuser und ihre Welt - Kontakte und gegenseitige Einflüsse. Internationaler Kongress vom 23. bis 26. September 1992 Gaming, dl. 1, Salzburg & Lewiston (N.Y.), 1993, 66-99 (= Analecta Cartusiana, 62:1)
[Martin 1993]
Fifteenth-century Carthusian reform. The world of Nicholas Kempf, Leiden, New York & Köln, 1992, XV-(1)-415-(1) p. (= Studies in the history of Christian thought, 49)
[Martin 1992a]

Why not let sleeping monks lie?, in: Dennis D. Martin, Fifteenth-century Carthusian reform. The world of Nicholas Kempf, Leiden, New York & Köln, 1992, 1-18 (= Studies in the history of Christian thought, 49)
[Martin 1992b]
A foretaste of the kingdom: mystical theology in Nicholas Kempf's De ostensione regni Dei, in: Kartäusermystik und -mystiker. Dritter internationaler Kongress über die Kartäusergeschichte und -spiritualität, dl. 5, Salzburg, 1982, 56-66 (= Analecta Cartusiana, 55:5)
[Martin 1982]