EPAPER: The Charterhouse near 's-Hertogenbosch and Its Connection with the Studio of Jheronimus Bosch (1466-1515)

A few kilometres from the city walls of ‘s-Hertogenbosch an imposing Carthusian monastery was built in the decades around 1500. Its construction coincided with the period when Jheronimus Bosch was a successful painter in that city. Documents proving that he worked for the monastery do not exist. However, there were several direct and indirect forms of contact between the monastery on the one hand and important persons and institutions in the city that held relations with Bosch on the other hand. Do they justify the idea that influence and contacts also existed between the charterhouse and workshop of Bosch? An essay by Jan Sanders (available at http://www.kartuizerklooster.nl/jheronimus-bosch/)
tries to answer this question.
Reactions to the essay: jan.sanders@home.nl