NEW: Special issue of CHRC on Carthusians as devotional reformers

Special issue of Church History and Religious Culture (Volume 96, Issue 1-2)
Faithful to the Cross in a Moving World: Late Medieval Carthusians as Devotional Reformers
Mathilde van Dijk; José van Aelst and Tom Gaens
pp. 1-12
Sic vivere est devote vivere. Henry of Coesfeld as Theologian of Modern-Day Devotion
Tom Gaens
pp. 13–39
Nicholas Love as an Ecclesiastical Reformer
Michael G. Sargent
pp. 40–64
Ad modum Cartusiensium. Carthusian Inspiration for the Enclosed Saint-Agnes Convent at Maaseik
José van Aelst
pp. 65-79
The Transmission and Appropriation of the Vita of Christina Mirabilis in Carthusian Communities
Suzan Folkerts
pp. 80-105
Working with Tradition, Aiming for Reform. Dorlandus’s Perspective on Hagiography
Mathilde van Dijk
pp. 106-129