The London charterhouse. The history of the London charterhouse from its foundation until the suppression of the monastery, Salzburg, 2018 [Facsimile: London, Society for promoting Christian knowledge, 1925], XV-xi-202-X p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 327)
[Gribbin 2018]
The works of Jan van Blitterswyck, O.Cart. A revised list, in: Analecta Cartusiana, dl. 278, Salzburg, 2009, 53-76, ill.
[Gribbin 2009]

Books from former charterhouses in Tongerlo Abbey and Jan Van Blitterwsyck, O.Cart., in: Meta Niederkorn-Bruck (ed.), Liber amicorum James Hogg. Kartäuserforschung 1970-2006. Internationale Tagung Kartause Aggsbach 28.8-1.9.2006 Kartause Mauerbach, dl. 5, Salzburg, 2008, 117-123, 3 ill. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 210:5)

[Gribbin 2008]

Health and disease in the English charterhouses. A preliminary study, in: James Hogg (ed.), Die Kartäuser und die Künste ihrer Zeit, dl. 1, Salzburg, 2001, 197-209 (= Analecta Cartusiana, 157:1)
[Gribbin 2001]
Liturgical and miscellaneous questions, dubia and supplications to La Grande Chartreuse from the English Carthusian province in the Later Middle Ages, Salzburg, 1999, XXXIV-110 p. (= Analecta Cartusiana, 100:32)
[Gribbin 1999]