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Belinda A. Egan
The Carthusians and textual uniformity, in: James Hogg (ed.), Los Cartujos en Andalucía. Congrès international tenu à la chartreuse de Las Cuevas, Seville, 19-24 Octobre 1998, publié avec l'aide de la Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Verkehr, Vienna, dl. 1, Salzburg, 1999, 185-199 (= Analecta Cartusiana, 150:1)
[Egan 1999]
Belinda A. Egan
Oswaldi de Corda Opus pacis, Turnhout, 2001, 154*-97-(5) p. (= Corpus christianorum. Continuatio mediaevalis, 179)
[Egan 2001] PDF-pictogram Egan_Oswaldi de Corda Opus pacis.pdf (16.15 MB)
Thomas Op de Coul
How were new saint’s feasts added to liturgical manuscripts? Uniformity in three dated Carthusian graduals from the Low Countries, in: Études grégoriennes, 41 (2014), 65-86
[Op de Coul 2014] PDF-pictogram Op de Coul_New saint's feasts.pdf (227.46 KB)
Gilbert Ouy
Le ‘Valdebonum’ perdu et retrouvé, in: Scriptorium. Revue internationale des études relatives aux manuscrits, 42 (1988), 198-205  
[Ouy 1988] PDF-pictogram Ouy_Valdebonum.PDF (1.34 MB)
Michael G. Sargent
The problem of uniformity in Carthusian book production, from the Opus Pacis to the Tertia Compilatio Statutorum, in: Richard Beadle & A. J. Piper (eds.), New science out of old books. Studies in manuscripts and early printed books in honour of A.I. Doyle, Aldershot, 1995, 122-141
[Sargent 1995] PDF-pictogram Sargent_Problem of uniformity in Carthusian book production.pdf (4.87 MB)